tv and radio set造句

"tv and radio set"是什么意思   


  1. In a good month he makes 200 lei more repairing TV and radio sets.
  2. As children, they tinkered with TV and radio sets.
  3. As of 9 a . m . ( 0800 gmt ), ticket holders were glued to the TV and radio sets as children from a school in Madrid picked out numbered balls from drums and sang out the winning numbers in a ceremony that lasts some four hours.
  4. It's difficult to find tv and radio set in a sentence. 用tv and radio set造句挺难的


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  8. "tv animation fullmetal alchemist original soundtrack 2"造句
  9. "tv animation fullmetal alchemist original soundtrack 3"造句
  10. "tv announcer"造句

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